Little Fort Elementary School

Waukegan, IL

Public, K-5

School Profile:
Enrollment is 805 students and the teacher-to-student ratio is 1:25 students.

School Mission:
Connect, support, achieve!

All-in-One Solution I Grades 3 - 5 

The NextWaveSTEM “AIO” turnkey solution has helped Little Fort Elementary to integrate STEM education into its school schedule and provide a consistent, comprehensive curriculum with teacher training and equipment in emerging technology.


Little Fort Elementary School is a public school in Waukegan, Illinois, serving K-5th grade students.  The school continues to evaluate student learning and invest in programs and resources to improve student performance and recover learning loss.  The school has been dedicated to STEM education for nearly nine years.

“It’s just great exposure for (students) everything that STEM has to offer and that we don’t have time to do during the day.” 

-Amy Grossman, Principal


In the 2022-23 school year, the school principal faced multiple obstacles in providing comprehensive STEM education.  Limited resources hindered the school’s ability to continue STEM learning, as the school lacked the necessary equipment and expertise to offer a curriculum in cutting-edge STEM fields like drones and 3D printing.  Insufficient teacher training further compounded the challenge, resulting in an inconsistent incorporation of STEM concepts into lessons.  Integrating STEM into the school schedule proved difficult, leading to fragmented learning experiences for students.


NextWaveSTEM’s All-in-One solution proved to make a significant impact with the school’s investment.  Two teachers completed professional development in drones and 3D printing, acquiring the expertise to deliver engaging lessons.  They established a successful STEM club where student’s enthusiasm and engagement soared through captivating STEM activities.  This immersive experience not only increased attendance rates but also facilitated academic improvement, fostering problem-solving and critical-thinking skills among students.  Success prompted plans for expansion in the Waukegan School District.