Robotics & STEM Education | Classes for Aspiring Innovators I NextWaveSTEM Next Wave Stem
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Your Perfect Summer-time Programs are here!


 Robotics STEM Education


Engage, excite, and inspire students
through hands-on Robotics experiences.


 What is Robotics?

“Robotics is an interdisciplinary sector of science and engineering dedicated to the design, construction and use of mechanical robots.” - BuiltIn

Robots might seem like something of the future - think R2D2 or WALL-E - but the reality is robots are being used today for simple repetitive tasks like tightening screws to an engine and complex tasks such as helping surgeons perform extremely intricate operations.

A robot is a programmable machine that was originally built to help humans handle monotonous tasks, and they can be fully controlled by humans or can perform tasks without much input. 

Who Can Learn Robotics?

At NextWaveSTEM®, we offer Robotics and Stem Education courses for kids and professional development for teachers.

Grades K-2

Introduction to Robots:
What is a Robot?

In this Robotics STEM Education course, students are introduced to robots using Colby the Robot Mouse. They learn how to complete algorithms, how to give and follow directions, read maps, and apply them to Colby for results.

Tools/Software/Technical Requirements: Code & Go® Robot Mouse, Colby

Grades 3-5

Discovery of Robotics:
Coding mBot

Students will build their own mBot and be able to name the components as well. After learning simple algorithms, students will learn how to program their mBot in order to create various tasks and challenges.

Tools/Software/Technical Requirements: mBot®, mBlocky (free software download), iPads or Android tablets

Grades 6-8

Exploration of Robotics:
Coding mBot for a Purpose

Students will learn how to use the mBlock Blockly app to program the mBot and more components such as ultrasonic sensors. They will also begin to understand how to apply these robots to the real world.

Tools/Software/Technical Requirements: mBot®, mBlocky (free software download), iPads or Android tablets.

Why Robotics?

Why should we learn and teach robotics? Because, we need designers, developers, and engineers to make today’s robots better and to create new innovations that will improve our lives in the future. We need more people saying, “Hey, I can build a robot that will solve that problem!”

Robotics is easy to teach! Learn below how you can bring Robotics to your school.

Learn 3 reasons to teach Robotics in 2022!

 How Can I Bring Robotics to My School?

Anyone can teach Robotics! With all NextWaveSTEM® courses, Curriculum & LMS Access, Equipment Kits, and Student Connection Materials are included. The only thing left to decide is whether you want to teach the course or you want a NextWaveSTEM® certified mentor to teach.

Our All-In-One STEM curriculum, equipment and professional development make it easy for you to excite and inspire students through hands-on STEM experiences.

Perfect for schools needing:
- STEM equipment & curriculum
- Professional development

NWS sends trained teachers to your school, during or after school, or for summer programming. They bring the hands-on STEM curriculum, the equipment and the fun!

Perfect for schools needing:
Schools needing STEM resources
- After-school or enrichment classes