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Renewable Energy Curriculum


Engage, excite, and inspire students
through hands-on Renewable Energy experiences.


 What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable Energy is energy that can be replenished through natural processes. Some of these include Solar Power, Wind Power, and Hydro power. Solar panels absorb energy from sunlight. While turbines are used to generate electricity from both wind and water.

What is so special about Renewable Energy? Well unlike other forms of energy it doesn’t run out. As well they have a much lower environmental impact.

Who Can Learn Renewable Energy?

At NextWaveSTEM® we offer Renewable Energy courses for kids and professional development for teachers.

Grades 3-5

Discovery of Solar Power & Renewable Energy:
Designing Systems

Beginner learners answer the questions, “What are conventional energy sources?” and “What are alternative renewable energy sources?” Students will explore solar energy as a renewable energy source. Through engaging activities, students investigate the principles of light energy and design, build and test solar-powered ovens, water heaters, and a mini-city.

Why Renewable Energy?

Why should we teach and learn about Renewable Energy? Because Renewable Energy will power the future. The need for energy will always exist, however traditional energy sources are finite. Renewable Energy is the way forward to a better future.

In order to preserve our planet for the generations to come we need more young minds learning about the importance of Renewable Energy.

Read about how NextWaveSTEM is Bringing Emerging Technology into Classrooms

 How Can I Bring Renewable Energy to My School?

Anyone can teach Renewable Energy! With all NextWaveSTEM® courses, Curriculum & LMS Access, Equipment Kits, and Student Connection Materials are included. The only thing left to decide is whether you want to teach the course or you want a NextWaveSTEM® certified mentor to teach.

Our All-In-One STEM curriculum, equipment and professional development make it easy for you to excite and inspire students through hands-on STEM experiences.

Perfect for schools needing:
- STEM equipment & curriculum
- Professional development

NWS sends trained teachers to your school, during or after school, or for summer programming. They bring the hands-on STEM curriculum, the equipment and the fun!

Perfect for schools needing:
Schools needing STEM resources
- After-school or enrichment classes