STEM to STEAM - A well rounded education

In the early 2000s, as the globe became increasingly technologically advanced, it became necessary to change the method that learners were taught. The United States understood it would retain a more competitive workforce by raising skill in important science-related disciplines, which in turn may result in higher prosperity for both individuals and the nation as a whole.

To better prepare learners for success, educators and government representatives quickly adjusted their strategies to place a higher emphasis on math and the sciences. When it comes to knowledge-intensive professions like those in the domains of social and behavioral science, healthcare, and information technology, this is especially important.

However, the advantages of placing a strong emphasis on STEM-based education extends far beyond its applications in certain industries. In reality, research demonstrates that emphasizing STEM is a fun, cutting-edge way to give pupils a range of real-world skills, such as cooperation, critical thinking, and communication.

After almost two decades, educators are expanding their definition of STEM to include the arts, which encompasses everything from language and liberal arts to social studies, visual and performing arts, design, and music. 

STEAM emphasizes the same principles as STEM but stresses the inquiry and problem-based learning techniques frequently utilized in the creative process, in contrast to STEM, which was previously regarded to simply focus on scientific concepts. What does this imply for educators and students?

Learners are encouraged to make well-informed decisions that have an impact on the world around them by embracing project-based learning and bridging the gap between the arts and sciences. It is said in an article from the National Assembly of State Art Agencies (NASAA) that actively involving pupils in the arts fosters a desire for learning, which boosts motivation and encourages risk-taking in a safe setting.

By freely fusing science, technology, and the arts, STEAM-thinking is positioned to lead tomorrow's workers into the twenty-first century. Students are better prepared to provide the diverse areas of expertise that contemporary employers and business endeavors seek by developing an interest in the principles as well as the "hows" and "whys" of creative problem-solving. 

Work with our team @NextWaveSTEM to better equip our learners with the useful skills needed that are essential to lifelong success, such as connection, collaboration, critical thinking, and culture. Learn more