Grades 3-5 | Discovery of Robots: Coding mBot

Grades 3-5 | Discovery of Robots: Coding mBot


Overview: Through inquiry-based and hands-on learning activities, learners answer the questions: What are the types of robots; How do they work; and for what purposes are they used? Students will learn how to code in the Scratch-based mBlockly application and program their own mBot robots.
Grade Band: 3-5
Lessons: 15
Professional Development: Yes
Software Needed: Yes
Equipment Required: Yes
Number of Students per Equipment Kit: 24
All Included: Yes

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Product Description:

The "Discovery of Robots: Coding mBot" course is designed for learners in grades 3-5. This course provides an engaging and hands-on introduction to robotics and coding. Students will explore various types of robots, understand how they work, and learn to program their own mBot robots using the Scratch-based mBlockly application. The curriculum is designed to foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of robotics through a series of interactive lessons and challenges.

Course Features:

  • 15 Lesson Hours: The course includes 15 detailed lessons that cover a wide range of topics in robotics and coding.

  • Curriculum and Supporting Materials: Comprehensive lesson plans, activity guides, and additional resources to support effective teaching and learning.

  • Ongoing Product and Curriculum Support: Continuous support to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and effective.

  • Professional Development: Training sessions for educators to deliver the course content effectively and facilitate student learning.

  • Facilitation by a Trained STEM Instructor (Optional): Option to have a professional STEM instructor lead the course.

Learning Target Examples:

  1. What is a Robot?: Explain what a robot is and design a robot to solve a problem.

  2. Meet mBot: Describe the function of mBot's components and assemble an mBot.

  3. Speaking the Language of Code: Create an algorithm for someone to follow.

  4. Block Coding: Use the mBlock Blockly app to program a robot.

  5. Loops, Wait, Branch: Improvise and use creativity to find solutions to programming challenges.

  6. Distance Measurement: Make the robot travel a certain distance.

  7. Competition #1: Parking Space: Move the robot in a straight line.

  8. Line Follower: Design, test, and debug a line follower track for the mBot.

  9. Competition #2: Line Follower: Design, test, and debug a line follower track for the mBot that other robots will follow.

  10. Robots at Work: Form and support an opinion about robots doing human jobs.

  11. Obstacle Detection: Program the mBot robot to use the ultrasonic sensor.

  12. Competition #3: Obstacle Detection and Avoidance: Program the robot to detect and avoid obstacles.

  13. Light Sensor and Competition #4: Red Light, Green Light: Program the robot to use the light sensor.

  14. Competition #5: Maze: Program the robot to navigate a maze.

  15. Competition #6: Create Your Own Competition: Create a challenge for other robots to complete.

Equipment Included:

  • Classroom Set of mBot® Robots: A set of mBot robots designed for students to practice coding and problem-solving.

  • Supporting Materials: Various materials required for hands-on activities, including sensors, coding cards, and competition setups.

Professional Development:

  • Teacher Training: Comprehensive training sessions to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach the course.

  • Ongoing Support: Continuous professional development opportunities and support to ensure successful course delivery.

Additional Information:

  • Designed for Learners in Grades 3-5: The course is tailored to meet the developmental and educational needs of students in this age group.

  • Hands-On Activities: Emphasis on interactive and engaging activities to foster a love for learning and exploration in STEM fields.

  • Problem-Solving and Creativity: Encourages students to use their imagination and creativity while learning the basics of coding and robotics.

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