3 Reasons to Plant a Vertical Garden in the Classroom

Did you know that on average, according to the EPA, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors? Even though many of us know the benefits of being outside, such as increased blood oxygen levels, better focus, and better moods, we still spend most of the day inside.

A living wall or vertical garden is a great way to combat that in the classroom. Here are 3 reasons you should plant one with your students! (And here are some great ideas on how to make one.)

Teach about Carbon Sequestration

The best way to take carbon out of the air is to put it back into the earth, and the best way to do that is through plants. Use your green wall to teach how plants absorb the carbon from the environment to grow - in this case, the CO2 your students breathe. It opens itself to lessons on climate change, photosynthesis, and many more environment-related lessons.

Brighten the Atmosphere

While students are stuck many hours per day inside a classroom, that can lead to lack of focus, tiredness, and a lack of motivation. Instead, a living wall can boost the mood and provide more energy. It reduces mental distress and improves concentration and attention. Not to mention it’s a welcome pretty addition to a classroom!

Cooling Down/Warming Up the Space

In the summer, a process called evapotranspiration cools the air through greenery, which can help cool down the classroom in hotter urban climates. And in the colder months, the wall acts as insulation helping to keep the room warm. In both cases, this decreases the use of cooling and heating systems, which are energy intensive and consume fossil fuels.

If you have a green wall in your classroom, would you share it with us? We’d love to feature you on our blog or social media?