Why STEM Education Should Be a Priority

Why STEM Education Should Be a Priority_Making Sure ALl Americans Have Lifelong Access to High quality STEM education_NextWave STEM_the Importance of STEM Education K-12.jpg

Making Sure all Americans Have Lifelong Access to High-quality STEM Education

By Joseph Griffith, PsyD

The STEM Priority

As an educator, you most likely know that integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) into the curriculum positions students for future success, whether they are college or career bound. A STEM education teaches more than just mechanics. It trains students to think critically and expansively. It encourages creativity and problem solving. That said, finding ways (and time) to integrate STEM into an existing curriculum can be cumbersome and often goes unrewarded by the very systems that evaluate the success or failure of our education system. 

In order to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s careers, we must place a high priority on introducing STEM-focused curriculum earlier into a child’s academic career with hands-on exposure to new technologies that capture the imagination and drive curiosity. If we don’t, we are dangerously close to a metric where we will fail to meet the projected demand for STEM-focused jobs. Right now, a measure of academic ranking in STEM foundations offers insight into how important this training is on a world basis. Nicols (2019) researched the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and found that the United States ranked 24th in the World in Science and 38th in Math. These staggering statistics underscore the importance of prioritizing STEM education programs if America hopes to remain competitive in the global economy. 

Education partners like NextWave STEM make it easier for teachers and administrators to incorporate technology and STEM learning, in both classroom and virtual-learning environments. 

How to Start a STEM Program

There are a number of challenges to getting an in-depth STEM program up and running, including but not limited to: 

  • Sorting through all of the available STEM programs 

  • Making the case for STEM education in the emerging job market even though it is not an area tied to testing and funding 

  • Finding engaging curriculum that attracts students an early age

  • Training teachers, who may be less comfortable with STEM subjects than with ELA

Put simply, the day-to-day challenges of implementing a strong STEM culture in our schools often outweighs the critical long-term gains for our students and our economy. We focus on the here and now because it is tangible, and much of our funding is tied to the success of the programs we implement. For STEM to win out, we need to focus on those things which drive other outcomes, namely critical thinking skills and technology literacy. 

STEM Curriculum provides an unmatched opportunity for students to develop critical thinking skills as they approach all school work, and not just the sciences. In a recent study, Hacioglu & Gulhan (2021) asserted the importance of critical thinking and STEM Programs in the 21st Century and a need to prepare students for jobs requiring technological advances. Hacioglu and Gulham (2021) determined to increase the number of individuals working in STEM fields, students should have the appropriate STEM curriculum available, and an understanding of the ways STEM benefits them. But students are often distracted by electronics, like gaming consoles and cell phones. By integrating STEM into high school curriculum in particular, we turn these distractions into tools that society as a whole, and students as individuals, will benefit from. Companies like NextWave STEM help fill the void and are a key to fully integrating STEM programs.

Award-winning STEM Program K-12

NextWave STEM has gained traction by integrating STEM into school curriculums through Robotics, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, and Vex Robotics. While these complex curriculums can be difficult for some teachers, NextWave STEM solves that problem by providing in-person or live virtual options to ensure the students are capturing the knowledge. Chicago Public Schools, Administration, commented on the NextWave STEM approach by saying “the instructor has had a phenomenal effect on the students” and “the students had fun learning and loved the hands-on approach.”  

NextWave STEM provides solutions to schools, school districts, and organizations looking to expand the STEM knowledge of their staff.  One NextWave STEM Program Partner Administrator in Chicago stated, “I joined the Discovery of Drones class today and really enjoyed it, the instructor was engaging, and participating students were engaged.”

Other Administrators expressed how impressed they are with the instructional ability and engagement level of the instructors, referred to as “Mentors” by the company. NextWave STEM takes a collaborative approach and engages students which helps them see the value of STEM and the possibilities stemming from a STEM education.

NextWave STEM monitors emerging technology and evolves curriculum to ensure the students are getting the latest knowledge to develop an appropriate STEM foundation. NextWave STEM delivers solutions with a “what is best for the student” mindset. Chicago Hopes for Kids, Program Manager Erica Walker chose NextWave STEM because “we want to provide our participants with engaging activities that open possibilities to deeper long-term interest in science” and “NextWave STEM provides high quality programming.” Awarded the Enrichment Partner of the Year 2020 by the Chicago Hopes for Kids organization, NextWave STEM continues to deliver timely results to students in the pursuit of quality STEM Learning.




Hacioglu, Y. & Gulhan, F. (2021). The effects of STEM education on the students’ critical thinking skills and STEM perceptions. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 7(2), 139-155.

Nicols, A. (2019) STEM Education statistics 2019 – how the US ranks. Parentology.com. July 29. 

Wheeler, L. B., & Bach, D. (2021). Understanding the impact of educational development interventions on classroom instruction and student success. International Journal for Academic Development, 26(1), 24–40.