Grades 3-5 |Discovery of Solar Power and Renewable Energy: Designing Systems

Grades 3-5 |Discovery of Solar Power and Renewable Energy: Designing Systems


Overview: Beginner learners answer the questions, “What are conventional energy sources?” and “What are alternative renewable energy sources?” Students explore solar energy as a renewable energy source.
Grade Band: 3-5
Lessons: 15
Professional Development: Yes
Software Needed: No
Equipment Required: Yes
Number of Students per Equipment Kit: 24
All Included: Yes

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Product Description:

The "Discovery of Solar Power and Renewable Energy" course is designed for learners in grades 3-5 to explore the critical concepts of renewable energy sources and their applications. This course provides students with an understanding of different types of renewable energy, focusing on solar power, and includes hands-on activities to design and build renewable energy systems. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on activities to engage students in sustainable energy practices.

Course Features:

  • 15 Lesson Hours: The course includes 15 detailed lessons that cover various aspects of renewable energy and solar power.

  • Curriculum and Supporting Materials: Comprehensive lesson plans, activity guides, and additional resources to support effective teaching and learning.

  • Ongoing Product and Curriculum Support: Continuous support to ensure the curriculum remains relevant and effective.

  • Professional Development: Training sessions for educators to deliver the course content effectively and facilitate student learning.

  • Facilitation by a Trained STEM Instructor (Optional): Option to have a professional STEM instructor lead the course.

Learning Target Examples:

  1. Shazam! Energy!: Define, review, and sort types of renewable and nonrenewable energy.

  2. I Have the Power: Distributing Energy: Explore sustainable energy distribution by identifying energy “wants” and “needs”.

  3. It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s... Solar Energy!: Define solar energy and model the flow of energy from sunlight to living things.

  4. How Heat ZOOMS! (Conductors): Perform hands-on heat transfer experiments around conduction, convection, and radiation.

  5. Zap! It’s Heating Up (Insulators): Evaluate how various materials perform as insulators in order to design a passive solar building.

  6. Let’s Have a Look! (Lightwaves): Observe the properties of various wavelengths of light, such as UV.

  7. Up, Up, and Away: How Light Behaves: Experiment with properties of light such as reflection and refraction.

  8. Beware of the Dark Side: The Albedo Effect: Observe how reflectivity and absorption affects an object’s temperature.

  9. Watch Out! Here Comes Photovoltaic Cells: Observe how Photovoltaic cells generate electricity and explore their various uses in sustainable energy production.

  10. Vroom! Solar Mobiles: Build and race a miniature solar-powered car.

  11. Whoosh! Solar Water Heaters: Apply heat transfer principles to construct a solar-powered water heater.

  12. Bam, Pop, Sizzle! Solar Ovens Part 1: Design and construct a solar oven that uses conduction, convection, and radiation to cook food.

  13. Bam, Pop, Sizzle! Solar Ovens Part 2: Test and improve solar oven designs.

  14. Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow: Design a Renewable Resource City Part 1: Review and evaluate the types of energy sources used in a community.

  15. Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow: Design a Renewable Resource City Part 2: Design and plan a sustainable “Renewable Resource City”.

Equipment Included:

  • Classroom Solar and Renewable Energy Equipment Kit: Includes solar cells, solar cars, solar ovens, solar water heaters, UV beads, and a heat and temperature kit.

  • Supporting Materials: Various materials required for hands-on activities, including design templates and troubleshooting guides.

  • Measurement Tools: Thermometers, light meters, and other tools to measure energy output and efficiency.

Professional Development:

  • Teacher Training: Comprehensive training sessions to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to effectively teach the course.

  • Ongoing Support: Continuous professional development opportunities and support to ensure successful course delivery.

Additional Information:

  • Designed for Learners in Grades 3-5: The course is tailored to meet the developmental and educational needs of students in this age group.

  • Hands-On Activities: Emphasis on interactive and engaging activities to foster a love for learning and exploration in STEM fields.

  • Real-World Applications: Students will learn about the practical uses of renewable energy in various industries and scenarios.

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